Saturday, November 15, 2008
Good friend = Batesy
Batesy is my friend. She is sooooo funny it's criminal. She is younger than me. 27. Batesy is single, smart, and a total band, science, and math dweeb. She's the most "gangster nerd" I know. She wanted to come to my kids' math and science night at their school because well....she's a math teacher and a gigantic nerd. So instead of just hanging out with us she ended up being our transportation for the evening which included taking me to pick the twins up from school. We only have one car right now (well for about the past 3 weeks) and I was in a bind and my friend Batesy helped me out and probably drove like 50-75 miles in the total process. Not only did Batesy attend the family night she was like totally into the event and was asking questions and stuff. Remember.....she is a math/science dweeb. The twins were excited and Mookie who totally looks up to Batesy (which I don't mind because Batesy has a Master's degree in biology, owns her own d*&m house by herself, faithfully attends the 7:45 AM service at her church on Sundays, is committed to being celibate until God sends her her husband, is a dedicated professional, super smart, and totally a strong, independent Christian woman) said "it's like she's a part of our family." We had fun. And no.......Baby Wade was not there because he would have totally wrecked shop on the school. :-)
Good friends are hard to come by. And Batesy is a good friend. Some of the presenters were from the district and not my kids' campus so they didn't know me from Jane and couldn't quite figure out who were the parents (me or Batesy) or if one of the kids belonged to me and one belonged to Batesy or what. Because I live in a small town the conversational topic the next day may have been "who was the lesbian couple with the two kids?" Funny.
Thanks for helping us Batesy. Hope the pizza didn't give you the bubble guts.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
An Open Letter to Barack Obama by Alice Walker

The literary genius Alice Walker has posted a phenomenal letter to President-Elect Obama. Check it out.
Yes we did!!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What's the Bottom Line?
Well...I have a question I'd like to ask parents "When you send your child to school, what do you want?" The generic answer will be something to the effect of "I want my child to get a good education." It's not that simple. Acquiring a good education will take some involvement on the part of the parent and those closest to the child's inner circle of acceptable authority figures.
For a child to get a good education, the following pieces must be connected in the puzzle:
- expectations from home for the child to adhere to the rules of the school/school district
- CONSISTENT consequences (not empty threats) at home for non-compliance with those rules
- working with the child's teachers on academic struggles or successes
- sending the child to school with the necessary supplies
- letting your child know that because you want him/her to get a good education, school will be before ALL things: extracurricular participation, family outings, the child's social calendar, etc.
- a safe school environment free from hindrances such as bullying
- highly qualified teachers
- quality instruction delivered daily
- assignments that are geared to make the child not only prepared for standardized testing,but also "college and career ready"
- clear and ongoing communication between the child's parents and the school staff
- If there is a philosophical difference between parent and teacher, the child should not be a part of the discussion and the child shouldn't hear either party talking despairingly about the other
Parents, this will require work on our part as parents, but at the end of the day, if you're really serious about your child "getting a good education" this is what's needed. So.....if this is too much for you to commit to doing, why are you sending your child to school?
What's the bottom line?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Reality Check
We have to be willing to work for what we want. Last time I checked the government wasn't giving billions away to anybody that didn't own a chunk of Wall Street.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-kom-pi-tuhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate.
characterized by or showing incompetence: His incompetent acting ruined the play.
being unable or legally unqualified to perform specified acts or to be held legally responsible for such acts.
inadmissible, as evidence. –noun
an incompetent person; a mentally deficient person.
Law. a person lacking power to act with legal effectiveness.
Why are incompetent people constantly promoted to positions for which they are so blaringly unqualified for?
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Breakup
Kathy Bates (remember her from Misery) and Alfre Woodard gave the picture timeless, class appeal. I love Kathy. Their friendship in the movie was endearing and heartfelt.
Now.....Sanaa's character was so scandalous that my husband (who's been crushing on her since Love and Basketball) said he could never see her the same way. So the breakup is official. September 12th is the day they are officially over. However,
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Make Me Wanna Holla
Mojo M.I.A.
What happens to a dream deferred? Walking through Barnes and Noble Friday evening. Some good ones. Some bad ones. Aching heart. Inaction is insane.
Gustav not as bad as predicted. Thank God.
Two week summary:
- Great students
- Nosey co-workers
- Open house. They need to get it together.
- Moving forward on house sale.
- Mookie's tapping into her inner fashion-ista.
- Kickboxing on Tuesdays. Low-high-low-kick!
- A series of distasteful one liners does not a classy lady/VP make.
- Waby might be ready to use a pot. Dare I say an end to buying my beloved Huggies?
Next Saturday is a another chance to seize the blessing.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Mind scramblings
New look.....It's the two year mark. Was time for a new haircut. Been feeling the need since Posh crossed the pond. Her hair is fierce. Had to make the style mine once again. Hadn't had the bob since 2006, now it's back.
H-town always feels like home. Kim Son. A gajillion Pappa's participants. Melting pot. Many languages.
Man...can the crescent city get a break? Coming back home last night, no traffic. I guess Nagin's message got through: "Get your butts out of town." That man is a mess.
Astros vs. Cardinals. Sitting in the Crawford box. First time to "the juice box." Downtown looks so different. Mojo commentating. Waby in awe. Husband enjoying life. Mookie MIA, "I need a break from baseball." Er?
Labor Day will be a work day. Let me get everyone up.
I am soooo blessed. Watching the terrific three run around the hotel lobby smiling, laughing, cheeks flushed. They make me happy. Don't want to screw up the responsibility. They are so precious. Sweet kids. They love life. They have a good life. Surrounded by love. So many other children are not.
The twins LOVE their new school. Thank the Lord!!! God answered our prayers. They are off to a fabulous start. As long as they remain "the salt" everything will be fine. he picked a girl. A beauty queen with 5 kids. Desperate times equal desperate measures.
Obama '08 all the way!!
I had fainted unless I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage. Wait I say on the Lord.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

BTW - the plumbing fixtures did NOT arrive Wednesday. They are now being reported to arrive today. Hmmm......
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Construction Update

- The driveway will begin this week
- The dead/ugly trees in front will be removed
- The trash and debris that's in front of the house making it looked abandoned will be removed. I think some of the [nosy] neighbors believe the house has been abandoned because work has been taking place on the inside versus the outside lately. The dumpster is arriving today and there will be a crew coming to remove all said items.
- The plumbing fixtures should arrive Wednesday (they've been on back order)
- We are picking out back splash materials for the kitchen this week as well as the carpet for the bedrooms.
In other drama.........
Mojo just told me that his dad said he is only to use barrel bats in practice this evening (have I failed to mention that he is doing two-a-days?). Mookie just reported that their dad said he is going to shop for a new bat. My issue: HE JUST GOT A NEW BAT TO GO TO THE WORLD SERIES IN GRANBURY!!!!!!!!!!
I have to quote Scooby Doo: Roo-eer?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The twins and I traipsed to Bath and Body Works to pick me up some new products. I planned to go alone. I asked Mookie if she wanted to go because if I didn't she would have been pouting all evening. Of course she said yes (although I wanted her to say no). I guess the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana concert on 3-D wasn't enough to keep her home. She was mad because the 3-D glasses I had to purchase (neither Walmart near us had the free ones, so I had to buy two TV Guide magazines because they included a pair) were useless and the concert wasn't in 3-D except for the beginning.
Mojo was quickly bored and went with his dad watching one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. And guess what? When he saw that his sister was going...he decided he wanted to go,too. Darn - trapped again!! But I put my foot down on Waby going. Although he sensed he was being ditched and followed us to the door clad in only a pamper, we still pressed on.
Can someone tell me how I can get away by myself without bickering offspring in tow?
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Rhythm is Gonna Getcha
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Save Yourself
We made it to church....