Saturday, July 26, 2008


It is 1:18 AM and I have just finished a session of online shopping. DANGER AHEAD!! I didn't do too badly. Just ordered some things for Mookie for school. She's been so very patient with us snatching up so much for Mojo and Lord knows Waby is always getting something new. It was just a little....well not much. isn't just a river in Egypt.

The twins and I traipsed to Bath and Body Works to pick me up some new products. I planned to go alone. I asked Mookie if she wanted to go because if I didn't she would have been pouting all evening. Of course she said yes (although I wanted her to say no). I guess the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana concert on 3-D wasn't enough to keep her home. She was mad because the 3-D glasses I had to purchase (neither Walmart near us had the free ones, so I had to buy two TV Guide magazines because they included a pair) were useless and the concert wasn't in 3-D except for the beginning.

Mojo was quickly bored and went with his dad watching one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. And guess what? When he saw that his sister was going...he decided he wanted to go,too. Darn - trapped again!! But I put my foot down on Waby going. Although he sensed he was being ditched and followed us to the door clad in only a pamper, we still pressed on.

Can someone tell me how I can get away by myself without bickering offspring in tow?

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