Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Cover Girl?

When people meet my daughter they often exclaim how much alike we are.  People have said we have similar features and even mannerisms. Yes- the child also talks wildly with her hands and uses her fingers to accent points in her conversations.   However, I always love to tell people she's much smarter than me.

One thing I've always been proud of is that she is a planner.  She doesn't wait until the last minute to do things like her mom.

Until now.

Meet the new face of procrastination all comfy in my bed right before I'm ready to write today's blog and call it a night. 

Yep...here's my fashionista 14-year old baby girl clad in glasses, satin cap, and some odd assortment of night gear working on her English paper that is due tomorrow and she has had for quite some time now.  I hope she doesn't see this page.  She is going to KILL me for posting this.

Oh Lord....I pray the procrastination gene isn't waking from its dormant state in this child.  Maybe it's only a temporary lapse....a slight phase.  Procrastination already has one cover girl for this family - me. We don't need another one.  I want my baby to be the cover girl for time management.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehehe... you are such an awesome Mom!