Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Perry, Darla, and that oh-so-dapper Detective Paul Drake

I grew up watching and listening to my mom and grandmother watch the original Perry Mason.  You know the one in black and white.   When it came on late at night, if I heard the opening music that was my signal that it was late and I needed to find a way to go to sleep quickly. 

When I got a chance, I watched the show.  That Detective Paul Drake was debonair and just handsome.  I always wondered why Perry & Darla didn't get together.  They would have made such a cute couple. 

Today, I look forward to 10:30 nightly when me & the hubby settle in for the night and watch Perry Mason.  It comes on channel 47, MeTV.  We  are always sure to catch the opening minutes because that's when the foundation of each episode is shown.

Sadly, all three of these stars are gone.  Their presence and television shows of this caliber are sorely missed.  Bye for now.  I must leave so I can be ready for my 10:30 treat.

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